CHEESE! [editing pearly white teeth]

In addition to the other tools on Corel X6, I’ve also been playing around with the teeth whitening tool in the new program. I’ve used this in the past, however it is WAY more effective in Corel Paint X6! It turns out the new program is A LOT improved in terms of how the tool functions in just one click!

The way this tool works is similar to the first post I had about the blemish tool. It grabs colour from the surrounding area of the selector, and merges new colour together in that area. I found (in the old program) it to be great with teeth when they are straight on, but when shadows occurred, things started to get messy.

Here’s an example!
This is the OLD program, I wanted to go back to see the difference in comparison to the new one & man is there ever a difference. This photo below was a one click change. Note the colours it changed and left out!


The new program however did a much better job at choosing colours and changing the new colour to be all even…



I’d say that this is the most simple tool that I’ve used so far in this program and it’s something that will be used a lot. A road block that I did run into though, is over whitening. Since the picker tool selects the same tones to change to whiter, depending on the angle, it sometimes is similar to the colour of skin! Yikes! 

This is what happens….
*Note the colour of her face that turned to a shade of white to match the teeth. I really had to be careful.


After that, I started to play around with the right shade of white, to find what looks normal. Here’s what too much white looks like!…


*good amount of white…

*too much white…


In the end, it does take a bit of getting used to, but I’m happy with the way it operates. I know that I’ve had to whiten in the past (because of setting, background or personal preferences) but it hasn’t always been this easy.

*Coming up… full makeover tool!


4 thoughts on “CHEESE! [editing pearly white teeth]

  1. I love how many pictures you add to your blog! It really let’s us see what the program can do! I didn’t even think about there being a problem with “over whiting”, so it was neat to see what the picture would look like if you got too carried away.
    Is this a program that you would switch over too for all of your pictures? Have you found any flaws in it so far?
    Looking forward to your next post! 🙂

    • Thanks for taking the time to read my post! I really am loving the new program so far, and I have made a lot of comparisons to the old program as well. One thing I do like is the amount of detail that there is in the new program – more options, more settings. It does seem like the other program is a bit faster though, but I find it to be lacking a lot of aspects in comparison to the new one. In the end, I will be solely using the new program as it does things my old one can’t!

  2. Super awesome how you include all the different visual examples! Especially for someone like me who has no experience in photography. It is neat to see all the little things one can add/change to a picture. You seem really talented! I’ve heard about how magazines edit their pictures but I never really understood the process or the finesse to it. Working with a client, do you think you would present them several options (example: the realistic white teeth compared to the ‘too white’ teeth) or would you just present them the end product in which you thought worked the best? This is a neat learning project!

    • Thanks for taking the time to read through my post Cole! I really do love what I do, and find it so rewarding! The whole process is a lot to understand and take in, so it has been a really good learning experience! For the most part, I cull all my images and do light retouching. This is part of the reason why I don’t have a lot of experience in fine detailing like I’ve been doing. If a client does need something retouched, I have done it in the past to their preference, but now with the new technology and knowledge I have with the new program, I feel like I will have a lot more to offer for my clients!

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